Kapet francezi që trafikonte njerëz me gomone, pjesë e rrjetit shqiptar

Nov 29, 2015 | 15:51

Policia britanike ka arrestuar një person, si pjesë e një rrjeti trafikantësh të qenieve njerëzore që drejtohej nga shqiptarët.

Lajmin e kanë raportuar mediat britanike. E përditëshmja “Daily Mail”, shkruan se i rekrutuari për të ndërmarrë këtë operacion trafikimi është francezi David Turpin.

This Frenchman, pictured at dawn last Octoer 2014, has just dropped off (by number of lifejackets) 14 illegals onto my (Kingsdown, Kent) beach in the middle of the night before failing to get his RIB back into the receding tide. He claimed he’d been fishing – 90 km from his Dunkirk home and with one rod without a line in it! Now French police have nabbed him broken down off Dunkirk on a migrant run and discovered the going rate for the crossing: £10,000 per person. He gets a grand, the organisers the rest. The RIB will hold 20, so that’s £100,000 to £2000,000 per run. Have quotes from witnesses, two of whom saw a recent drop of 20 blatantly collected from the shoreline by taxis, and from experts who say this is the tip of the iceberg. The illegals come across unseen by Coastguards and Border Force, literally ‘under the radar’ … and I have offered to set up a Daily Mail team to make the same crossing unseen (and, by the way, absolutely legally). My point is that a terrorist trying to get into UK would not be jumping on the back of a lorry in Calais. He’d be paying £10k for a safe crossing, with room for his suicide vest and Kalashnikovs.

Ai ishte fotografur mbi gomone menjëherë sapo ka mbërritur në brigjet angleze.


Banorët e zonës së Kentit e gjetën peshkatarin të vetmuar, mbi gomone në breg të detit, momenti ku edhe e fotografuan.

Frenchman, pictured at dawn last Octoer 2014, has just dropped off (by number of lifejackets) 14 illegals onto my (Kingsdown, Kent) beach in the middle of the night before failing to get his RIB back into the receding tide. He claimed he’d been fishing 90 km from his Dunkirk home and with one rod without a line in. Now French police have nabbed him broken down off Dunkirk on a migrant run and discovered the going rate for the crossing: £10,000 per person. He gets a grand, the organisers the rest. The RIB will hold 20, so that’s £100,000 to £2000,000 per run. Have quotes from witnesses, two of whom saw a recent drop of 20 blatantly collected from the shoreline by taxis, and from experts who say this is the tip of the iceberg. The illegals come across unseen by Coastguards and Border Force, literally ‘under the radar’ and I have offered to set up a Daily Mail team to make the same crossing unseen (and, by the way, absolutely legally). My point is that a terrorist trying to get into UK would not be jumping on the back of a lorry in Calais. He’d be paying £10k for a safe crossing, with room for his suicide vest and Kalashnikovs.

Sipas mediave, peshkatari i kishte thënë banorëve se ishte i gatshëm t’u paguante menjëherë 2.800 stërlina për ta fshehur gomonen, në mënyrë që ta merrte një ditë më pas. Në momentin e arrestimit, atij iu gjetën të fshehura 90 mijë euro.

Turpin u arrestua në zonën Dunkirk në Francë, së bashku me 5 perona të tjerë, të përfshirë në një rrjet trafikimi njerëzish të drejtuar nga shqiptarë.


David Turpin akuzohet se ka vënë në shërbim të trafikut gomonen e peshkimit. Policia franceze mendon se ai paguhej me 1.000 stërlina, për çdo person që çonte në Angli.



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